#EntertainmentPSB: Bryson Tiller – “T R A P S O U L” Nationwide Tour – February 16, 2016

By: Brandon Clay @PSBPopCulture

Bryson Tiller stormed right through 2015 debuting with a No. 1 album, “T R A P S O U L.” Team members Jordan Davis and Taylor Johnson joined me at Center Stage for the show. Here is a look at our night through Snapchat and Instagram:

Looking, looking, looking….

A photo posted by JD (@palmtreejd) on


Brandon Clay serves as the publisher of PSBPopCulture.com. A self-professed entertainment, music and sports junkie, Clay has been on his game since picking up his first Nintendo and Sony Walkman in the early 90’s. Adding in a SLAM (Basketball) Magazine subscription in the late-90’s had him setup up for lifelong success. Clay is also a founding member of the “Luxury Boys Club” designed to stay on top of whatever is next in the world of PopCulture. You can follow him on Twitter @psbpopculture.

#EntertainmentPSB: Bachelor Episode Six – February 15, 2016

By: @KTaylorPSB

This week’s version of Olivia: Victim Olivia. She says that she is the victim of bullying because she reads books and likes to talk about smart things. But then uses phases like “come at me bro”, so who are we really going to believe (Not you, Olivia).

Jennifer goes home and says “I just don’t think Ben really knew me” well Jennifer, America and Ben didn’t really know you. Poor girl. At least she didn’t sob her way out of the mansion and still has her dignity in tact.

This week Ben takes the girls to the Bahamas. Finally a trip worth signing up for this show.

Caila is the first to get a SECOND one on one date. Cue Olivia dagger eyes. Ben grills Caila about the other girls on their date, but shoutout to Caila for not throwing anyone under the bus. Ben comments on the fact that Caila smiles too much and doesn’t have meltdowns and cry like any other normal girl, what a terrible trait to have. Caila manages to confuse Ben just enough about where she stands with their relationship that he just gives her a rose just to shut up.


All the sudden we know who Leah is for something other than her bad fashion. The girl has a meltdown in the bathroom when Caila gets a second one on one date before she gets her first. She says “I don’t even know why I’m still here” and honestly we can’t disagree with you Leah. We just learned your name 5 minutes ago.

The group date is what appears to be a nice quiet boat ride with Ben but it turns into a romantic swim with pigs. Some of the girls get attacked by pigs in the water, and I know what you are thinking and no Olivia didn’t show up. Ben quickly realizes how awkward things are when 6 girls in bikinis are on a date with him. Even more awkward is how much I find myself typing Leah’s name but the girl just wont stop crying. Leah throws Lauren B under the bus to try to get herself a slim chance of getting a rose this week. Then lies about doing it and completely forgets this stuff goes on national television. Leah tries to do damage control by sneaking into Ben’s room in the middle of the night, Courtney Robertson style, minus the model status. Leah’s plan epically backfired on her and Ben sent her home. Leah we all knew you were making a mistake that night as soon as you put on that terrible white ruffled shirt and jorts.

The epic two on one, Olivia vs. The Twin. Good job Bachelor producers. Olivia tells us that she will be Emily’s mom on the episode because she is so young. Side note to all of this is that they are both 23. Emily sees Olivia putting on a one piece so she pulls out who most cleavage bearing bikini top. Olivia’s strategy: emphasize how “intellectual” she is and that she reads a lot because the twin doesn’t. Emily’s strategy: cleavage bearing bikini and telling Ben that she wants to grow up with him. Sex appeal wins. Emily defeats her and saves the girls from evil Olivia for the rest of the week. She is so hated that they leave her stranded on an island in the middle of what looks likes a hurricane.

Ben cancels the cocktail party because he is confident enough of who he is going to send home on the dreaded ride with Leah and Olivia. Unfortunate other Lauren gets sent home early from her vacation. He was probably still scared from that image of her waking up that retainer in.

I am curious how entertaining the show will be from here on out because Lace, Jubilee, and Olivia are gone. Hopefully someone else loses their sanity.

Taylor-Staff-PicTaylor Johnson serves as Brandon Clay’s personal stylist and is one of the most fashionable people in Atlanta. While attending graduate school at Georgia State, she’ll contribute to various categories throughout the PSBPopCulture.com site.

#EntertainmentPSB: “The Walking Dead” – Season Six – February 11, 2016

By: Kris Watkins @KrisWatkinsPSB and Jonathan Hemingway @JLHemingwayPSB

The Walking Dead returns this Sunday with a mid-season premier for Season Six. When the first half of season ended, Alexandria was in disarray. Walkers broke through the walls and the group is attempting an escape. Here is commentary on the show from PSB Pop Culture analysts Jonathan Hemingway and Kris Watkins, who have tuned in to the show faithfully over the previous seasons.

Predictions for the Upcoming Season:

HEMINGWAY: I think this is the season where the group will face the most formidable challenge to date. The teasers at the end of last season alludes to this. Daryl and company run into a character that introduces himself as Negan. From all accounts, Negan’s group is not only evil but they are competent. In the past, Rick and company have been able to outsmart if not out muscle potential enemies. It now appears that Negan’s group will challenge the group in ways unseen before.

At this moment, who is your favorite character and why?

HEMINGWAY: Of course I like Rick, but everyone loves Rick. If you don’t like Rick – then you don’t like the show. But in terms of a character really growing and being intriguing I would say Carol. Here is a woman that was a victim of domestic abuse at the beginning of the story. Now she has just morphed into this strong and cunning character. Not only will she not take anything from anyone, she knows how to stay a step in front of her enemy. Her presentation of herself to Alexandria as this pie-making homemaker was brilliant. All the while she was preparing to protect herself and others from the naïve in the town.

WATKINS: Daryl is a character who I look forward to seeing every episode.  He has an old soul and it shows throughout each season.  I think he battles with being a part of the group and wanting to be a loner. I think he is beginning to no longer want to follow Rick’s lead.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a split in the group at some point this season and I could see him leading the break. 

Who is your least favorite character and why?

WATKINS: I despise Carl and I am ready for him to go.  I watch every episode hoping that he gets attacked by walkers and winds up dead with Rick holding him in his arms yelling “CAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLL.”  I really cannot figure out what his purpose in the show is and I do not feel like his character has developed at all since they left the prison. His only purpose is to hold his sister Judith in scenes.  I believe it is his time to man up and start acting like a MAN.  He had a chance to win me over in the last episode when he could have killed Ron and had Enid for himself (This is something is father, Rick, would have done/has done when he killed Pete), but instead he didn’t and I think this leaves the opportunity for Ron to kill him later this season.

HEMINGWAY: Father Gabriel needs to go. This guy infuriates me. Not only is a coward and apparently cost the lives of his entire congregation, but at a critical moment he calls Rick’s group “Dangerous People.” What a jerk! This group saved his sorry butt more than once. His tangled past and mental instability are a liability.

Favorite moment from the Series:

WATKINS: Without a doubt my favorite moment of the season was when Rick killed Shane.  In the scene Shane is questioning everything about Rick’s manhood and ability to care for his own family telling him, “I am a better father than you Rick, I’m better for Lori than you…I’m a better man than you Rick.” I think this is the moment when Rick’s character really took shape for me to become the man he has to be to keep his group/family alive.  I think that the fact the he kills him by stabbing as opposed to shooting him shows the darkness Rick is willing to go because stabbing is more intimate as opposed to simply shooting Shane. 
HEMINGWAY: Episode 1 of Season 5 was epic. It appears that Rick, Glen and Daryl are about to get their necks sliced by the cannibals at Terminus. Then at the right moment Carol, coated in walker blood and entrails, launches a fire cracker into a gas tank and creates a huge explosion. This creates a distraction that allows Rick and company to escape their doom. Eventually the group is able to escape Terminus and their once cannibalized fate.

What is the most important theme of the series?

HEMINGWAY: It could be a cliché by now, but I think it is worth repeating: What does it mean to be human? The show takes the viewer to some pretty dark places in this post-apocalyptic world. No government, no civilization and virtually no hope to escape the impending doom of being ate by zombies. The writers of the show do a masterful job of developing the characters and showing their growth. Rick, who was once soft in comparison to Shane, now acts like a savage at times. It is through this that the audience can play out the “What would I do while being surrounded by walkers” scenario. In a world that has no clear definition of right and wrong, Rick’s group always seem to balance survival with what is the right thing to do. And if you think about it, don’t we all do that on a daily basis? Minus the zombies, of course.

WATKINS: I think the two major themes that currently go hand in hand are Morality and Family. There are times you may have to do things that maybe are not necessarily moral/humane in order to protect your family.  You see this time and time again with the main group of the show has to test the limits of how far they are willing to go to protect their family.  It will be interesting this season to see the links Rick and his crew are willing to protect their own. 

If you have never tuned into the series, why should you on Sunday?

HEMINGWAY: Zombie movies, Sci-Fi genres were not in my rotation of entertainment just a few years ago. My programming choices consisted of ESPN or TBS prior to being married. Life changes. Although The Walking Dead does directly conflict with Sunday Night Football during the NFL season, I finally heeded my wife’s recommendation and began watching this series about a year and half ago. All of this is to say, this show reaches a broad audience of viewers from all over the country.

Moreover, the quality of writing, production and visual affects is movie quality. It once could have been said that true quality of entertainment could only be found at the movie theater. TV entertainment was once known for sitcom laughs or soap opera quality acting in the evening. This is not true of shows like The Walking Dead on AMC. The acting quality and storylines play out weekly like that on the big screen. The enjoyment of having to wait from week to week or even months to see the next twist in the story only fuels anticipation. Give it a shot when the show returns this Sunday – I don’t think you will be disappointed.

HEMI-HEAD-SHOTJonathan Hemingway is a Chicago sports fan who reps the Bears, Bulls and Cubs. He’s also a diehard NFL Sunday Ticket subscriber. Like Clay, Hemingway’s music taste are wide-ranged and depend on the day. He is also a major part of PeachStateBasketball.com wearing multiple hats with the title of Director of Domestic Scouting and owning CoachHemi.com.

Kris WatkinsKris Watkins is a contributor to PSBPopCulture.com. He’s well-versed in multiple walks of life from the latest Brooks sneakers to gluten free beverages. In his spare time, Watkins is considered a go-to in the world video editing and junior college basketball recruiting. Make sure to follow Watkins on Instagram and Twitter @KrisWatkinsPSB.

#EntertainmentPSB: “The Bachelor” – Episode Five – February 7, 2016

By: @KTaylorPSB

Ben takes the girls to Mexico where they have a gorgeous suite to sit around and talk about each other. But Olivia wants everyone to calm down as a bidet isn’t that impressive because she has one at her house. Surprise, surprise. Ben decides to wake the girls up at 4:20 am (how original of you Bachelor producers) to see if he can find a girl who wakes up as stunning as Britt from Chris Soules season. Ben spots a girl’s weave and yells out “whose weave is this?” in my favorite Ben quote of the season so far. Ben finds his Britt, it’s Amanda looking stunning at 4:30 am minus the glitter eye shadow. On the opposite end of the spectrum Lauren H. took the cake wearing a metal retainer. But you have to love a girl who can laugh at herself.

Amanda gets the first one-on-one date. Amanda is Emily Maynard’s brunette twin, how can you hate her?! Looking at you, Olivia. Ben takes Amanda hot air balloon ride because that’s so Mexico. Amanda opened up to Ben about her ex-husband who sounded like as douchey as Juan Pablo. Ben continues to be a complete gentleman, as he has the entire season, and takes the story of Amanda’s past in the best way possible. Amanda is so sweet but I don’t know if her and Ben have much of a connection. Maybe a Bachelorette front-runner for next season?

Group date: Ben takes the women to a Spanish class, following up with a Spanish cooking glass. Olivia and Jubilee literally fight over Ben and I have a feeling that that weave Ben saw on the dresser is about to reappear after the fight.

Becca: She is real life hairstyle goals. Her and Caila didn’t get much TV time this episode, but that’s because there was so much drama the normal girls didn’t have a chance this week.

The twin: Claims to be out her element in all things Spanish, mainly because she is missing the other half of her brain. Apparently, it takes two twins to learn one line of Spanish and cook a meal for Ben.

JoJo: I want her entire wardrobe. It’s starting to make me think that Cartier bracelet was the real deal.

Jennifer: I am so confused as to why Jennifer never gets any airtime. She must be incredibly normal, but if that’s the case I don’t know how she even got on the show.

Lauren B: It’s difficult to pull off all white, but take lessons ladies Lauren B. shows us how it’s done. That dress is flawless. Ben clearly agrees because he couldn’t keep his hands off of her when he pulled her aside during the group date. Their chemistry is undeniable, and I’m definitely thinking she makes it to the final two.


Leah: I have no idea how she is still on this show.

Jubilee: She was consistently pouting like the three year olds I work with, someone needs to move her green card to yellow. Everyone always talks about Olivia’s facial expressions but Jubilee’s sassy eye rolls are amazing. After refusing to hold Ben’s hand or tell him that she loves him in Spanish class, it was time for her to pack her bags and head home early. Looks like Olivia won this war Jubilee.


Olivia: Her facial expressions are getting out of hand; tone down the crazy eyes Olivia. The girls have had enough of her at this point. However, she continues to beat the girls to Ben first on every group date, maybe it’s her weird toes making her so fast. We now have the “Olivia Bashing List” that consists of: cankles, weird toes, and bad breath. Maybe her breath just smelled because of the “dog dish” she prepared in the cooking competition. Despite subpar cooking skills and the Olivia Bashing List getting longer, she somehow manages to get the group date rose (cue to the tears of several other girls).

The chef from the group date leaves us with this quote: “When you’re ready to cook, you’re ready to get married.” Jubilee was the only good cook, and he sent her home so let’s hope that isn’t true.

Lauren H. got the second one-on-one date. Ben tells us that “one thing people don’t know about Mexico City is that it is known for fashion” well if no one knows that, is it really known for fashion, Ben? The duo goes to Mexican fashion week, which is so well known that they let two people with no modeling experience walk in the show. Lauren H. is so dorky it’s adorable, while Ben’s taking it so seriously he looks like Derek Zoolander. Regardless the two are “really, really ridiculously good looking.”

This episode left us with a cliffhanger during the cocktail party after a Teen Mom comment was made by Olivia to Amanda. To which Amanda responds with “Well you remind me of Snookie from Jersey Shore who doesn’t have her life together, but you don’t hear me saying that to your face.” Amanda for the win. This little feud sends the twin over the edge and she cries uncontrollably to Ben about her hate for Olivia and the other girls follow her lead.

Until next week we won’t know who goes home with Jubilee but my money is on Leah. Mainly because her rose ceremony dress looks like a reused bridesmaid dress and it’s awful. That and she gets zero camera time.

Taylor-Staff-PicTaylor Johnson serves as Brandon Clay’s personal stylist and is one of the most fashionable people in Atlanta. While attending graduate school at Georgia State, she’ll contribute to various categories throughout the PSBPopCulture.com site.

#EntertainmentPSB: “The Bachelor” – Episode Four – February 1, 2016

By: @KTaylorPSB

Caila starts off the episode saying what America is thinking “Jubilee is a tough girl, no one can tell the difference between Haley and Emily, and Olivia is driving everyone nuts.” The show’s host, Chris Harrison, interrupts her girl bashing and comes to the mansion to tell the girls that they are going to Vegas: where everyone finds either love or strippers. Semantics.

JoJo gets the first date card that says Ben is going to set her heart on fire. Immediately the camera shoots to Olivia who looks like she is trying to set JoJo on fire with her special love super powers. Instead Olivia settles for moving a table with her mind to almost knock JoJo off a building. JoJo opened up to Ben about her last relationship and how “they” betrayed her. She continues to use the pronoun “they” DJ Khaled style to refer to her past relationship in a very aloof way. Hey JoJo never trust “they”. Major key. If you haven’t seen Khaled’s Snapchat, please take five minutes and get a couple of laughs in. Thank me later.

Sidenote: JoJo was sporting a bracelet very similar to the $6,000 Cartier version that Kylie Jenner wears. Still not sure if it was a knockoff or not, but if it isn’t “they” wasn’t treating you so poorly JoJo.

Ben takes the girls on a group date with some creepy puppet guy. In possibly the greatest group date in The Bachelor history, the girls perform in a talent (I use the word talent loosely) show on stage for 1000 people.

Here’s my takeaway from each performance:

Lauren H.: She is immediately concerned about wearing nipple tassels. Because nipple tassels and Vegas are basically synonyms. She goes the extreme opposite of that and decides a chicken suit is the best way to display her talentless self. With that being said, the Kindergarten teacher’s inappropriate comments are making her really grow on me. All I’m saying is that there was a reference using the term “Little Ben”

Lauren B.: She describes herself as having ZERO talent. We were all thinking it. However she is apparently talented enough to earn a group date rose from Ben.

Jubilee: She plays the cello because what else would you expect from a girl with a chest tattoo?

Olivia: Dressing up as a showgirl and jumping out of a cake is a little cliché for Vegas don’t you think Olivia? I think the cake was just so she could hide her ankles as much as possible. Ben’s secret language told Olivia he was embarrassed of her (didn’t take a secret language to guess that) and Olivia has a self diagnosed panic attack.


Amanda: Amanda is so unimpressed with Olivia she can’t even laugh at her while she’s on stage. She criticizes her performance by saying she had so much time and “all she came up with was a terrible showgirl dance?” Amanda girl, you just attempted hula hooping on stage and failed.

Rachel: I’m starting to wonder how Rachel is unemployed. She rides a hover board flawlessly and can make balloon animals. Someone get her a job at an amusement park.

Caila: Ben describes Caila as a “sex panther” so she’s doing something right.

Amber: She continuously gets no camera time unless she is making fun of Olivia and I’m not mad about that at all.

I think Leah dressed up like a clown, and Jennifer was so talentless she didn’t even get any camera time on stage. She’s going to be just fine because her talent is clearly being gorgeous.

Becca gets the second one-on-one date and Ben sends her a kind of unintentionally horrible wedding dress to wear to the date at the Little White Chapel. The two marry people in the chapel together. I thought people only got married at 2:00 am in Vegas after one too many, but I guess I learn something new everyday. Becca disses Chris Soules by saying that the risk outweighs the reward a lot more this time. Sorry Chris. I’m personally a fan of Ben and Becca together, it just makes for boring TV.


Ben takes the twins to their home in Vegas. They sneak into each twin’s bedroom while the other and their mom is in the living room, high school style. Haley still has pictures of her ex-boyfriend framed in her room and Emily basically sabotages her sister by telling Ben she doesn’t think Haley is ready for a relationship. Emily’s sabotage works and Ben sends Haley home, actually she is already home so Ben ditches her for the limo with the other one to make out with Emily. Meanwhile Haley is inside yelling at her mom for wearing those terrible Mek jeans on national TV (if not she should have). My main concern: who gets to bring all of the Kendra Scott jewelry while the other one is away?!


Rachel, like America, knew she was going home tonight and that’s why she wore her floor length red gown because outside of the Bachelor, where are you going to wear that dress? Also not surprisingly, Amber went home. I’ll miss her Olivia hating comments but not her fashion choices.

Taylor-Staff-PicTaylor Johnson serves as Brandon Clay’s personal stylist and is one of the most fashionable people in Atlanta. While attending graduate school at Georgia State, she’ll contribute to various categories throughout the PSBPopCulture.com site.

#EntertainmentPSB: 2 Chainz – “Watch Out” Video – January 27, 2016

By: Donte’ Grant @DineroJones

2 Chainz is back with easily the best Rap video of 2016 in “Watch Out.” Just watch for yourself. My words can’t do this any justice. Seriously. The new clip is directed Motion Family, the uber talented video crew based in Atlanta. A moon man from the VMA’s is in their near future.

If you recognize the beat it’s probably because the track was licensed by Beats by Dre in Cam Newton‘s new Powerbeats 2 commercial, which features 2 Chainz as the voice over. Chainz is definitely giving the rap game a lesson on how to make revenue off a mixtape record that was initially released for free. “Watch Out” was a stand out cut from his latest mixtape “Trapavelli Tre” in mid 2015. After “Watch Out” picked up steam at radio and streaming outlets the song was quickly added to iTunes. We see why.

Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 12.29.24 PMDonte’ Grant is a contributor to PSBPopCulture.com. Grant, a 10-year music industry veteran, a former A&R at Atlantic Records, Jeezy’s CTE label, and founder of TheOrganizedGrind. Follow him on IG @MuchoDineros and Twitter @dinerojones.

#EntertainmentPSB: “The Bachelor” – Episode 3 – January 19, 2016

Three episodes in and the third villain emerges. First it was Lace, then Olivia, and the now poor misunderstood Jubilee. The Bachelor producers are geniuses.

By: @KTaylorPSB

First Date: Lauren B., a flight attendant, was nervous for the first date because there was a plane involved. However, I’m sure she wasn’t mad about the fact that the plane through over all of the other peasants (contestants) while she was kissing Ben in the plane. Lauren takes a majority of the date to tell Ben she likes “simple things” so basically she wanted him to know she isn’t high maintenance. Oddly enough he seems to be into high maintenance (cough, cough Olivia) so maybe try another angle Lauren B. The couple dance to Lucy Angel (yeah, I don’t know who she is either) at the end of the night, and Ben talks about her music like it’s an Adele love song (it’s not).

Caila: She loses it when she starts thinking about Lauren B and Ben on their one on one date. Honestly Caila, I’d be nervous too.

Jubilee: As two dates cards pass by without her name on them, her facial expressions get increasingly entertaining. However, she receives a one on one date later in the episode. Jubliee starts off her date being mad Ben was 20 minutes late, and mad that she has to go in a helicopter. She follows that up spitting out caviar in front of Ben, which was about as classy as her all white linen outfit, topped off with giant hoop earrings. Jubilee really opens up about her tough past and Ben definitely respects her unlike the girls who have trouble controlling their jealousy.


Group date: Ben brings out Alex Morgan to teach these girls how to play soccer, and if I were the girls I would be mad because how is anyone supposed to look hotter than Alex Morgan playing soccer?! The girls took this as seriously as the World Cup, and they have never watched the World Cup.


Amanda: She just continues to be adorable so I can’t even begin to make a sarcastic comment about her.

Haley: Haley suffered from separation anxiety when Emily and her had to play against each other on opposing soccer teams. She never said anything about it but I had never seen them a part until then.

Jennifer: She isn’t that memorable on any dates but she sure does try to make herself memorable in her low cut cocktail party dresses.

Leah: Leah tells us how much she loves football again (it’s a soccer date so she’s confused from the get go) and we are all like Leah we know you love football because the image of you bending over, exposing your spanx, with a football is stuck in our brains.

Amber: Amber is trying so hard to find something wrong with Olivia and all she can come up with is that she has weird toes. I hope the only bad thing my enemies say about me is that I have ugly toes. Plot twist Amber got the group rose.

Lauren H: Lauren H. THE TEACHER made short air time with her “I’m not very good a juggling a lot of (soccer) balls.” quote because how could she top that one liner?

Olivia: Of course Olivia’s team won the soccer team won the game, because has she lost anything yet? Apparently Olivia told everyone that her wardrobe is worth $40k, and honestly it was well spent so I’m not even judging her for that gold digger comment. She didn’t have a lack of foot in (giant) mouth comments when she tearfully told Ben she hates her cankles after he just said two family members died.

Rachel: Rachel managed to get hurt on the soccer field but is capable of riding a hover board flawlessly?

Lace: Lace must have been on a water break telling Alex Morgan how she isn’t crazy when they went over the rules of soccer. “I didn’t know the goalie could use their hands” – Lace.

Emily: She was the all-star goalie of the game (sorry Lace).

Lace gracefully exits voluntarily in the ultimate Bachelor plot twist. Shushanna was eliminated by Ben mainly because I think he gave up trying to pronounce her name correctly a long time ago. Poor Jami joined the two girls in the limo ride home where I think she googled cat adoption places the entire ride home.

Taylor-Staff-PicTaylor Johnson serves as Brandon Clay’s personal stylist and is one of the most fashionable people in Atlanta. While attending graduate school at Georgia State, she’ll contribute to various categories throughout the PSBPopCulture.com site.

#EntertainmentPSB: “The Bachelor” – Episode 2 – January 18, 2016

It is just two weeks and I think that Ben is already my favorite Bachelor of the 20 seasons! And I’m not just saying that because the first shot of Ben of this episode with him wearing close to nothing. He managed to make every girl feel special during some point in the week, and it is kind of adorable how he holds every girl’s hand when he talks to them.

By: @KTaylorPSB

Date 1: Ben takes the girls to a high school where they have to participate in challenges in groups of two to win “Homecoming Queen” along with time with Ben. However the activities included dunking your head in water to bob for apples and running a race around the track, so the winner got to spend sweaty, make up free one on one time with Ben, lucky them!

Jackie: Jackie only got air time during the group date when the other girls were making fun of her small mouth in front of Ben, so that was unfortunate.

LB: LB flew under the radar again this episode. Turns out the reason why is because she really didn’t want to be there in the first place and went home after denying his rose during the ceremony.

Lauren H.: Lauren H got a ribbon for the best volcano explosion at the science fair from Ben. So basically their relationship is as boring as that ribbon sounds.

Becca: Becca showed off an impressive left-handed jump shot in a cocktail dress, so obviously she’s perfect.

Amber: Amber came in second place on the group date and got LB’s left over rose when she turned Ben’s rose down during the rose ceremony. Rough week for Amber.

Mandi: Mandi beat all of the girls in the competitions to win the time with Ben. However, I think Ben modified her prize because he didn’t want to spend one second longer with Mandi and her sweaty crop top.

JoJo: My personal favorite part of this date was when JoJo and Becca let the world know that neither one of them knew where or what the state of Indiana is. Despite her geography mishap was forgiven by Ben and he specifically pulled her aside during the group date to talk on the rooftop. JoJo ended up getting the group date rose, which obviously didn’t sit well with the other girls (tears already).

Jubilee: Unfortunately for Jubilee she chose Lace as her partner in the group date challenge and assigned Lace as the “brains” of the pair. Her place in the competition ended quickly after discovering Lace can’t read. Jubilee opened up to Ben about being adopted, however throwing out the adoption card apparently doesn’t get you a group date rose.

Jennifer: Jennifer was Ben’s first kiss of the night and she didn’t waste any time letting the other girls know.

Lace: Lace continues to act like she lost her mind a long time ago. However, she thinks the remedy for that is to continuously tell Ben how she’s not crazy. Word to the wise Lace, if you have to continuously tell someone you aren’t crazy, it absolutely means you’re crazy. Shockingly, Lace stays another night but I’m very confident in Bachelor producers having a say in that because she is honestly great TV.

Date 2: Ben chose Caila to go on a one on one date along with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart. The pair took Caila and Ben on a “cheap date” to the liquor store and a hot tub store to test out the hot tub. However, the night ended with a private concert from Amos Lee in true Bachelor fashion.

Caila could barely get a word in during her date with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart riding along. However, Ben gave her a rose during their date so there was definitely chemistry. Her date night outfit was super cute and classy in a black sequined jacket.

Date 3: The second group date was in a “Love Lab” where all of the girls were scored on how compatible the girls are with Ben on a scale of 1 to 10.

Emily & Haley: The twins (who I still can’t tell apart) started off the date by telling us they didn’t know anything about science because they weren’t very smart, so thanks for saying what America was thinking twins.

Shushanna: The majority of what I understood from Shushanna from this date was that she was very worried that Ben would think that she smells like cabbage during the smell test. I also understood that she thought wearing purple eye lashes was a good idea. We will just have to agree to disagree on that one Shushanna.

Sam: Poor Sam had a rough group date. Ben described her as smelling “sour” compared to the “sweet” and “flowery” responses the other girls got. Then Sam got the lowest score of 2.42/10, so basically her day couldn’t be going any worse.

Olivia: Olivia begins to emerge as the villain and it’s only the second episode. She received the first impression rose on episode one and now she wins the love lab challenge by having the highest compatibility score. She looked adorable in her hot pink dress, however the horrible “wide open mouth” face emerged from Olivia and she continued to do it throughout the episode (not her best look). Despite her horrible faces and cocky comments, of course Olivia won the group rose date.


Amanda: Amanda tells Ben that she has two young daughters; so later in the night he set up the most adorable barrette making activity for the two of them to do together for her daughters.

Leah: Leah didn’t get to go on a date this week, but I don’t blame Ben after her terrible football hiking first impression the night before.

Lauren B: Lauren B rocked a yellow lace mini dress to the rose ceremony. Although her and Ben didn’t have a date this week, he made her a picture of their first meeting so she is absolutely going to go far this season.

Jami & Rachel: The two girls were only shown receiving roses tonight because they also didn’t have any dates with Ben this week. However, the good news is that Rachel seems to have ditched the hover board.

Along with LB going home, the attorney Sam and her sour smell went home. Mandi proved that even homecoming queens could get dumped because she joined LB and Sam in the limo ride home. Jackie was the last girl to join them in the limo ride home so she should probably cancel her save the date cards for her and Ben’s wedding.

Taylor-Staff-PicTaylor Johnson serves as Brandon Clay’s personal stylist and is one of the most fashionable people in Atlanta. While attending graduate school at Georgia State, she’ll contribute to various categories throughout the PSBPopCulture.com site.

#EntertainmentPSB: “The Bachelor” – No. 1 to No. 8 – January 11, 2016

Taylor Johnson will bring us weekly updates from the hit TV series “The Bachelor.” She’ll breakdown fashion from the show and rank the remaining contestants on a weekly.

By: @KTaylorPSB

Ben Higgins, the 26-year-old star of the season, was quite the gentleman Monday night for his premier as the new bachelor for ABC. He greeted 28 women to the bachelor mansion, but I think there were a few women he wished he denied at the front door. This season is not short of any of the usual crazy personalities that The Bachelor producers never fail to entertain us with.

Here is a ranking of No. 1 to No. 8 remaining ladies from my favorite to least favorite:

1) Olivia, 23: The news anchor won my vote for the best head to toe look for the evening. There is no doubt she is gorgeous and really seemed to have her life in order, which is probably why she received the first impression rose from Ben. Unfortunately, this puts a huge target on her back for the other girls so let’s hope she can control her emotions as the series goes on.

3) Lauren B., 25: Lauren was the first out of the limo, which usually means I forget her name halfway through the introductions. However, the flight attendant was only a little cheesy with her intro. Her and Ben seemed to have a great connection and I think she will go far.

3) Caila, 24: Her intro package made her out to be a little crazy after admitting that she broke up with her boyfriend to come on the show for “fate.” However, I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and hope the producers had a lot to do with that. I think she will be sticking around for a while.

4) Jami, 23: Despite her name drop of Ben’s ex-girlfriend, Kaitlyn Bristowe (awkward), the 23-year-old Canadian is super adorable and you can’t help but like her.

5) Jennifer, 25: She looked gorgeous in her simple black dress (less is always more ladies) and Ben definitely took notice of that. There weren’t any signs of crazy yet so let’s hope she keeps it that way.

6) Becca, 26: Regular viewers of The Bachelor might remember Becca as the runner up on Chris Soules’ season. America loved Becca because how could you not? Usually bachelor repeaters don’t last long (with the exception of Nick V, but America hated him) so I am interested to see Becca and Ben together.

7) Amanda, 25: Amanda is a divorced mom of two young girls, because what is The Bachelor without the single mom type casting? Moms are usually a hit on the show, but I could see Ben sending her home sooner rather than later so she won’t be away from her kids for a televised relationship.

8) Lauren H., 25: Lauren just might surprise us and stick around for a while. The Kindergarten teacher flew under the radar in the first episode wearing a nondescript black dress that allowed her to blend in.

Taylor-Staff-PicTaylor Johnson serves as Brandon Clay’s personal stylist and is one of the most fashionable people in Atlanta. While attending graduate school at Georgia State, she’ll contribute to various categories throughout the PSBPopCulture.com site.

#EntertainmentPSB: “The Bachelor” – No. 9 to No. 16 – January 8, 2016

Taylor Johnson will bring us weekly updates from the hit TV series “The Bachelor.” She’ll breakdown fashion from the show and rank the remaining contestants on a weekly.

By: @KTaylorPSB

Ben Higgins, the 26-year-old star of the season, was quite the gentleman Monday night for his premier as the new bachelor for ABC. He greeted 28 women to the bachelor mansion, but I think there were a few women he wished he denied at the front door. This season is not short of any of the usual crazy personalities that The Bachelor producers never fail to entertain us with.

Here is a ranking of No. 9 to No. 16 remaining ladies from my favorite to least favorite:

9) Sam, 26: A recent graduate of law school, Sam rocked a red lace dress out of the limo. I am also obsessed with the two-piece outfit she wore in her intro package. Honestly, I’m just excited for her to stay around to see what outfit she is going to wear next.

10) Joelle “JoJo,” 24: We were introduced to her in a unicorn mask, but surprisingly she isn’t the token weirdo of the season. She tamed down the crazy when she talked to Ben inside the house, so if she keeps the unicorn mask in her suitcase she might move up in the rankings.

11) Tiara, 27: With an occupation like “chicken enthusiast” you are just asking to be labeled as the crazy one of the season. I am personally hoping she brings us as much entertainment as Tierra from Sean Lowe’s season. However, Ben mentioned how gorgeous she was several times so we might be seeing a lot more of her crazy for episodes to come.

12 & 13) Emily & Haley, 22: I don’t think they are competing as a package deal but their occupation is “twins” so they deserve to be lumped together. They are obviously both gorgeous and I can’t hate on them too much because they were rocking my favorite jewelry designer, Kendra Scott, throughout the episode.

14) Jubilee, 24: Her plunging neckline dress and horrible pickup line about her tight dress made it pretty obvious the reason she came on the show.

15) Amber, 30: Basically Amber is Becca’s wing woman. Sorry Amber, no one really remembers you from Chris Soule’s season. And to top it off, Amber’s frumpy dress was definitely the worst of the night.

16) LB, 23: LB reminded me of someone who just walked off an episode of The Hill (maybe it’s her name too).

Taylor-Staff-PicTaylor Johnson serves as Brandon Clay’s personal stylist and is one of the most fashionable people in Atlanta. While attending graduate school at Georgia State, she’ll contribute to various categories throughout the PSBPopCulture.com site.