#iTunesSounds: “Hot or Not” – G-Eazy & Kid Cudi –January 11, 2016

By: Jordan Davis @JDavisPSB

“When It’s Dark Out” by G-Eazy

After coming off an amazing debut album, “These Things Happen” released in 2014, G-Eazy had a lot of expectations as to what he was going to put out next. With several radio hits such as “I mean it”, “Lotta That”, and “Downtown Love”, it was hard for audiences across the nation to imagine this Oakland, California native topping it. This year G-Eazy brought us yet another quality tracklist in his album “When It’s Dark Out”.

At first I was skeptical as of G-Eazy’s ability to provide more heat so close behind his last great album. Then I got text in between classes from my boy Brett Byerly (@Bbyerly46) saying it was a must cop. After getting in my room and letting it play while I studied for finals I realized… he was right. The album includes big name features such as Chris Brown, Big Sean, Kehlani, to smaller upcoming artist such as Starrah and Quiñ.

My personal favorites are “Order More” featuring Starrah and “Everything Will Be Okay” featuring Kehlani. I would be surprised if one or both hit the radio soon. This album is a solid purchase for any G-Eazy fan or just someone looking to expand their hip-hop library.

“Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven” by Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi has been a favorite artist of mine since his first mixtape, “A Kid Named Cudi” to his “Man On The Moon” album from his GOOD Music days. However after going ghost for awhile, people across the world, including myself, were starting to wonder if we would ever get another “Day & Night” or “Pursuit of Happiness” type banger from Cudi. This year he finally dropped his second album under Wicked Awesome label umbrella after much anticipation from his core audiences. However, unlike his usual album work, this body of art from Cudi left me highly disappointed.

With guitar and drums consistently throughout the album, it sounded more like an album put together by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Although it may have reached a certain interested crowd in the world, there is no question that he has lost a lot of core fans. The album is a complete left turn from all his previous works in which it almost sounds as some sort of Indie Rock album. This was a tough realization that maybe the artist that brought us such amazing songs, will never return back to that level of glory.

J-Davis-PSBPopCulture Jordan Davis is a contributor to PSBPopCulture.com with a unique blend of #PSBPopCulture reviews. Davis has been rocking the latest trends since arriving here in 1995. He is currently a student at Kennesaw State, a Social Media Intern with PeachStateBasketball.com and is well on his way to being the youngest in charge sooner than later.